We have responsibility to help students grow wings: Shiv Nadar

Last week, HCL group’s founder-chairman, Shiv Nadar , raised about $125 million by selling a small stake in HCL Technologies to invest in, among other initiatives, an ambitious project that aims to educate poor rural children and mould them into leaders. This not-for-profit venture, which is driving Mr Nadar these days, wants to create a ‘leadership factory’ by selecting the best and brightest children and providing them with education, nutrition and opportunities for character building, especially in a residential school environment. There will be four such schools that the Shiv Nadar Foundation will build in Uttar Pradesh—costing double the amount raised last week to build and run. In an exclusive interview with N Shivapriya recently, Mr Nadar touched on his next big dream after HCL.

On scholarships for rural poor and the emotional connect with rural children:

Two years ago, we started a scholarship for rural students in Tamil Nadu. We went to government schools and picked up school toppers to study engineering at SSN (a group of institutions founded and backed by Nadar). We thought the response to the scholarship would be very good but reaching out to these students proved to be very difficult. These students are very poor. We picked up 20 students in the first year, and one of the girls ended up getting a university rank. They were very good. Now, if you superimpose the advantages we give them in Vidyagyan (the residential school initiative in Uttar Pradesh), they can just fly.

I spoke to these children. I come from a similar background but my father was a judge so I don’t qualify on the economic grounds. But even I went to government schools and studied in Tamil, and to me English was a definite alien second language. I’d never ever seen a city. All these kids are similar. They’ve never heard of SSN, never been to Chennai. Two of them never wore footwear. So, we need to bring in. We ask them to come a month in advance and assign one professor to each student. The professors knew I was monitoring this programme but they gave it a lot of commitment on their own.

You have big ambitions for Vidyagyan, the residential school initiative:

There will be four schools in all and we will make them inter-competitive . We’re just going to build this into a very powerful community. And when the students go out, we’ll guide them to the right places to study and gently persuade them to go to positions in political parties because we want them to make the change. They can contribute at the policy level and when they are a lot younger than if they go to IAS. I am very keen personally that they should serve the state.

The students come to Vidyagyan after they finish the fifth standard. They take a common entrance exam that we administer and join us from the sixth standard. We wanted to take them in at an age where they are still growing so the nutrients and the food and the sports we do impacts both their physical and mental development.

For us, the big change is when we take responsibility for the children. When you toss your child, the child laughs joyously and my wife is standing next to me, watching. Both she and the child have complete trust that I will catch the child. That is trust, and this is exactly what the parents of the child feel: “Nadar sahaab ke ghar chalenge abhi to they are set for life” . It is a very serious responsibility.

The first school is already operational. Now, we are looking for a principal for the second school in Sitapur in North UP. By 2012, we should be through with South and East UP. We could’ve built one big school but we wanted the children and parents to feel that they are just 2-3 hours away from each other.

On funding for the initiative and plans for a university:

Vidyagyan will cost about $250 million, which will come from the (Shiv Nadar) foundation . The money for the foundation comes from HCL Corporation. We discussed this in the board of HCL Corporation, and decided to commit ourselves and release some money in tranches over 10 years. Half the funds will be towards facilities and the rest towards cost of running—expenditure towards teaching, students, and all the running expenses. We have also proposed setting up a university to the UP government and bought 300 acres. Construction for five schools—engineering , business, communication, teaching and humanities—has been planned. It will be built for a strength of 7,500 students and will be residential.

Why am you doing these things?

I was born in Tamil Nadu. I built HCL in UP. The first computers of the world were built in UP and the state governments have supported us all through. In 1976, it was the period of the emergency, in 1977 the Janata Party came to power... all the governments said these people are trying to do something very novel and supported us. I have never met a chief minister of UP nor any minister. They have been very good and at a distance from us. So, we said we will do something back here. We have 20,000 employees in the state and are the largest private employer, not counting construction companies.

The idea for doing this came from Raj Reddy , who is in a lot of ways my inspiration. Raj is a creator of artificial intelligence. He’s one of the best scientist India has produced. He’s very inspirational and very very Indian at heart. He’s a complete optimist. You meet him and you feel life’s alright. He was involved in a similar experiment in Andhra. Once he gave the broad outline, I gave it to a team to develop. The team was made up of the faculty at SSN and they conceived it to be implemented in Tamil Nadu. We had to make some changes because UP conditions are different. This was two years ago.

On being good at building institutions and letting go of it:

Institution-building is all what I’ve done. You have to have the courage to think this is what it should be 10 years later. I want the students to be extremely competitive in every field of endeavour and have high selfesteem . Self-esteem is a very big thing because where these students come from, it’s a casualty. You’ve got to build it up from scratch. You outline all these characteristics and you put down the output profile, then you work on what the input profile should be. If you are used to organisation building, you know the steps that are needed. It will take 20 years but it will build leaders. HCL also took 35 years to build.

On the differences and similarities with building HCL:

There are big differences. Because here (in education), the outcome will always be hard to judge. Because we are no one to determine their (children’s ) destinies but we are hoping that they determine the rest of the people’s destinies. We have a responsibility to create and help them grow wings, and they, to fly. The children will grow up, occupy positions of change, and do certain things—that’s a hypothesis . These are leaps of faith.

This is a leadership factory. When Rajat Gupta came there, he grasped it instantly. We not trying to do education here, we’re trying to do leadership. Education is taken for granted. Teaching shops are different from building character.

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