MUMBAI: Amid suggestions aplenty, including from a former Tata group veteran to choose someone from within the Tata family to head the conglomerate, incumbent chairmanRatan Tata on Friday said only the best would succeed him. "The (search) committee will pick the best person. Let's get this issue off the table and put faith in them (the panel). The best person will succeed me," Ratan Tata told shareholders at the AGM of Tata Steel.
Shareholders of Tata Steel on Friday appealed to Ratan Tata to be chairman emeritus after his retirement in December 2012. "Please don't retire in the interest of the Tata Group. You may retire practically, but continue to be chairman emeritus and oversee the operations of the group," a shareholder said
Several shareholders also praised Tata's contributions over the past two decades and congratulated him for successfully turning around the loss-making Corus and making Tata Steel the world's 10th largest steel company. Tata said, "I am happy that Corus has helped us become the world's 10th largest steel-maker."